Saturday, February 24, 2007

Audiobooks and Audioplayers

By Marc Verbruggen

Time management is something everybody needs. We have full working days and a lot of time is going away because of traveling and driving your car. Also reading informational books or magazines is time consuming because you can't do nothing other than read. But there are ways to use this lost time wisely.

Thanks to mp3 players that are flooding the market with big storage capacity it is possible to use them also for other things than only to listen to music. The answer is audiobooks.

Audiobooks are now becoming more popular by the day but there wasn't much choise in titles and bookshops didn't have a lot titles to choose from plus they are quit expensive. Mostly more that the original book. But thanks to the internet and that everyday more people get connected to the worlwide web you can easily find your desired audiobook title online and buy them directly and download them to your computer. You can upload the audiobook to your mp3 player and listen to them everywhere.

Besides the well known audiobooks titles you can also get audiobooks to learn a language in 40 minutes or listen to a training in how to use a effective diet. Very helpfull if you are interested in those fields. If you are still searching for the right mp3 player there are some to give some attention.

1. First look for an mp3 player that handles interruption ok. Unlike music that you can start afresh when interrupted, it isn't so much fun to have to start an audio book from the beginning after listening to it for up to 2 hours.

2. Ensure that the MP3 player's volume is loud enough. In as much as you can use an earphone to listen to the MP3 player, it is ideal if the volume is loud enough to be listened to in a noisy surrounding.

3. Make sure the mp3 player has a large memory. Because audiobooks needs a lot of memory, so mp3 players with 512mb or more are the most preferred.

4. The smaller an MP3 player is, the more attractive it looks. But don't sacrifice size for quality or durability.

5. You should also pay attention to the brand of a mp3 player. There are many cheap models from Asia but the quality is rather poor. It is sometimes better to buy from a well known brand and pay something more for good quality and warranty.

6. And lastly, ensure that the MP3 player that you purchase can play encrypted files. Many publishers prefer their audiobook content to be protected, so your MP3 player needs to be able to play files that are using Digital Rights Management (DRM). This is often referred to as WMA DRM.

If your mp3 player has all these features you can download without problems audiobooks.

Check out the audiobook websites and there you also can get free audiobooks to try it out to see if you like it.

Marc Verbruggen, Founder of

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