Saturday, February 24, 2007

Audio Books on CD - The Best Quality Available

By Duane Edwards

By using digital technology to place audio books on CD, it brings the stories to life like never heard before. Audio books on tape are soon to be replaced by audio books on CD bringing a superior audio quality and improved durability. The CD format is used by publishers, retailers and rental clubs making it a favorable format for the industry.

Audio books on CD have two types of formats:

1. Regular CD compression which allows for approximately 80 minutes of audio recording time. But the time also depends on the audio file size of the audiobook. This is the most common type that everyone is use to as most computers have the appropriate CDR burners. With the regular compression, this means that multiple CD's are needed for one audiobook recording.

2. MP3 CD compression takes the same audio file and compresses it down to a much smaller size. This allows for more audio recording time and less CD's needed for an audiobook. Audio book rental clubs have less CD's to ship and listeners can now listen to audio books on fewer CD's. MP3 compression has become very popular with the creation of Apple iPod and the various MP3 players. Audio book MP3 CD's are growing in popularity as a result of the players, therefore more audio book titles are available in this format.

This does not mean you should take your old audio books on tape and throw them out. No...
You can convert tapes to CD very easily, adding more titles to your audio book on CD library. Converting audio books on tape to CD's improves the audio quality, allowing greater enjoyment on older audiobook titles.

Audio books on CD can be played on many components such as:

  • Personal computers
  • Automobile stereos
  • Mini stereos
  • Home stereos
  • Portable CD players

Also, audio books on CD can be converted into MP3 file formats with a computer then transferred onto an MP3 player. This allows greater versatility of audio books on CD which is a benefit for you the listener. Audio books on CD are a great choice for all listeners due to the superior audio book quality, large title selection and simple operating devices.

Audio books on CD have become a regular part of our lives and we recommended them as one of your primary audio book formats.

Learn more about Audio Books on CD and see all the benefits.

Duane Edwards is the owner and webmaster of and audiobook junkie. For more information about audiobooks, please visit us!

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